I had the pleasure of working as an associate for the PDST (https://www.pdst.ie/) with Mary Immaculate College and local Limerick schools on a First Lego League Jr project, “Mission Moon”.

pictured at the LEGO event in Mary Immaculate College 30/05/19
Pic. Brian Arthur
The intiative was a great success, with over 220 students showcasing their Mission Moon projects. The primary school students were tasked with solving the real-life problem of living on the moon. The children worked in teams and focused on different aspects of the challenge. Some of these challenges included how to provide air, water and energy on the moon. The teams each created a “moon base” for their team to live on https://ed-hrvatski.com/genericka-viagra/. The moon base held their rocket and had to have at least one motorised part present.

Each team created a ‘show-me’ poster which documented and explained the incredible work their team achieved. The poster was a great way to present their learning journey.

The day was full of fun, with Gary McBeats providing musical entertainment for the day. He created an original rap with the children (which I must say is very catchy).

To the students (and teachers) delight, there was an ice-cream van waiting for us – which stole the show!

Pic. Brian Arthur
The children had the opportunity to explain their projects and be proud of the work they put in to their creations. All those attending on the day were presented with their LEGO medals and certificate from Limerick All Ireland hurler and MIC student, Aaron Gillane.
The project strongly aligns with key tenets of national strategy documents such as the Digital Strategy for Schools (2015), STEM Report (2016) and Digital Learning Framework (2017). The children worked as engineers, designing, building and programming totally unique creations.
Enjoy the video of the day below!