Lasóg Learning

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Lasóg Learning

SPHE Programme for Junior and Senior Infants - English Medium Schools & Scoileanna Lán Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta
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High-quality educational services

Bígí go Breá s.P.H.E. Programme

S.P.H.E. programme for Junior and Senior Infants

Ar fáil do scoileanna Gaeltachta agus Gaelscoileanna anois!

Junior and Senior Infant S.P.H.E. Programme

What the teachers say about Bígí go Breá...

“Bígí go Breá has everything you need to teach SPHE. It has comprehensive lesson plans and loads of content to work with. The videos, songs, interactive games and art lessons are all brilliant and engaging for children. It is great to have a programme that addresses the SPHE Curriculum in a structured and comprehensive manner. ”

Peter, Limerick

“Bígí go Breá is exactly what I needed for SPHE. It made the teaching of SPHE  cohesive and structured. The content is colourful, bright and engaging. I love this programme  and highly recommend it.”

Kevin, Cork

This is a really clearly laid out programme that has a structure which is easy to follow.

Primary School Teacher, Laois -

There are lots of methodologies and I love how interactive the programme is!

Primary School Teacher, Laois -

I loved the online videos and art lessons!

Primary School Teacher, Laois -

Bígí go Breá has very good content and is very user-friendly!

Primary School Teacher, Laois -

Excellent programme, looking forward to implementing it in September!

Primary School Teacher, Laois -

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